We all want to live the good & beautiful life—and God wants that for us as well. The skills to get there are called wisdom, and the book of James is full of wise thought and direction. But, the wisdom from above comes when we use our skills and our self for the good of others. Find out how in this final installment in our summer James series.
Your words have power — they can bring life and healing in your home, school, or workplace — anywhere they are needed — or they can squash life and cause harm. Learn how you can learn to use the power of words to build up and bring life to those who need it.
“Faith makes you alive, apart from works” — and “faith that is alive works for love.” These two perspectives run throughout Scripture. Taken together they give us a deeper picture of life with God and how you can come alive in the life and love you were meant to find.
Though it seems counterintuitive, God declares that mercy triumphs over judgment. No matter where we come from, when we draw near God's heart, what we find is mercy not judgment.
God moves toward the margins, the messy, the vulnerable and misunderstood. If we are following God, we need to move in the direction God is heading. Find out how and find hope in our own messiness as well.
Trials are not good; they are hard. But can lasting good come even through trials? Find some wisdom in trials from James 1:3-6.
What if doubts and questions are a part of the journey of faith? Believe it or not, God invites us to seek — and loves our questions.